
Yokai Enamel Pin Collection

Created by OhhSeeDee Works

Pre-Order your favorite Yokai themed collectors items today! With over 60 items to choose from, including pins, lanyards, stickers, and more, you are sure to find something to fit your style!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Test Surveys Are Live
3 months ago – Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 12:19:57 PM

Woohoo! After a few recommended  adustments, Backerkit has given us the OK to send out the smoke test surveys. This is required so we can catch any errors.  Looks like 14 people are actually receiving these which is great! Once the majority fill their surveys out, we can make adjustments if needed and send the rest of the surveys out soon after. Please let us know if you have any questions or spot errors. We will send another update to let you know that the rest of the surveys for everyone else have been sent out. Thanks again for being patient with us! You all are amazing!  <3 

~Your OhhSeeDee Team

Survey Delay
3 months ago – Sun, Jun 23, 2024 at 03:34:30 PM

Eek. Ok. Managing pledges on Backerkit is new to us. We had to submit our "project" for a review, which is just the pledge manager questions and information. They said it should only take a couple days and THEN we can send the surveys out. As soon as we can send out the surveys we will let you know.  Thank you all for being patient with us as we learn new ways to improve our projects. 

~ Your OhhSeeDee Team

Surveys, Cat Lotto, and Reward Updates
3 months ago – Sat, Jun 22, 2024 at 05:05:48 PM


We are preparing to send out smoke test surveys today. Only 5% of you (so like 3 people haha) will randomly get these surveys. The purpose of these is to find any errors so you can all receive your rewards as flawlessly as possible and it is required by Backerkit.  Here's hoping things go smoothly with the test but definitely reach out to us if something is off or missing or anything else. Everyone else will receive your surveys shortly after by the end of the day. Don't forget to check your spam if you don't receive your survey. If you still haven't received it in the next 24 hours, please send us a message. 

Cat Lottery Winners for the Dragon Gate sticker areeeee: *drumroll*

Lucky Backer Numbers: 4, 7, 8, 9, 48, 54, 67, 78

CONGRATULATIONS! You have been chosen by your Lucky Cats! Praise them! 

Your Lucky Cats were:

  • AMBER: 4, 78
  • HARLEY: 7, 8, 54, 67 (Harley is actually the model for our Manekineko Yokai pin) ;)
  • PATTY: 9, 48

Newt, our tripod kitty, wasn't up for Cat Lotto. Maybe next time! 

Some more updates on the rewards: 

What are we doing while we wait for Kickstarter to release funds?:

As you can see, we are doing a lot! Most of what we have going right now are the extra bonus items. However, seven of the pin designs are being tested by the manufacturer right now for quality. They should be completed and shipped out to us within the next few weeks so we can inspect them up close.  And of course, we will share those with you too! 

That's all for this update! As always, thank you all for your support and we will keep you updated with any new developments! If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to reach out to us!

-Your OhhSeeDee Team!

1 Month Later...
3 months ago – Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 12:18:06 AM

...and VICTORY! The campaign portion of this ride has come to a very successful conclusion. It's all thanks to you wonderful supporters near and far! We appreciate each and everyone of you <3

So what's next?


Kickstarter will start collecting funds now. This process can take up to 2 weeks, so make sure your payment information is correct and up to date. If you have any problems, let us know. (Shipping will be calculated with the surveys later)

What are we doing?

Right now, we are reviewing the surveys (shipping and reward selection info we need) that need to be filled out at Backerkit and making sure everything is correct. We will send out a small wave of surveys via email to test them and make sure they run smoothly. Providing it goes well, everyone else will receive their surveys shortly after.

What is Backerkit?

Backerkit is a pledge management and crowdfunding site that was originally used to raise additional funds for creators on Kickstarter after their campaigns were successfully completed. Even though it has it's own crowdfunding platform now, Backerkit's pledge management system is a great tool and can still be linked to Kickstarter.

What do you need to do?

When we send out the surveys, you will be directed to Backerkit. If you do not already have a Backerkit account, you will be prompted to make one. This is necessary to collect the information we need to ship your goodies too you. We will send out another update to let you know surveys have been sent. Estimating it will be a week or so to things imported to Backerkit.


To prevent update fatigue, we won't be posting every single little update. For example, there will be stages of the pin production and the other goodies that are going to be coming in hot in the next few months. We don't want to overload your emails with micro updates that could potentially have you miss out on major updates. We will still post the progress of rewards here but we will wait biweekly intervals or when we have bigger updates to share.  If you'd like to have more regular micro updates on the productions, we post those all the time on Facebook so feel free to check us out there.  But since we are here, check these out! 

***Stickers are limited 

  • Gashadokuro (skeleton): Will only be given to those who made a pledge on or before May 21 and stayed all the way to the end, as a BIG FAT THANK YOU for being the foundation of our campaign. 
  • Dragon Gate Bumper Sticker: Will be given to 8 backers chosen by one of our cats. We hope to record a video and post here so you all can enjoy the show :D

Thank you all again so very much! We are so excited and thrilled to be able to bring life new pins and other awesome goodies. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions. YOU ALL ARE FANTABULOUSSSSSSSS! <3

~Your OhhSeeDee Team

Everything Unlocked, New Pledge Tiers, and More
4 months ago – Wed, May 22, 2024 at 11:16:15 AM

TL;DR List  

  • All pins/stretchgoals unlocked!
  • New Pledges 
  • Sticker for Sticking Around       
  • Kitsune Bag Reveal and ShoutOut

All pins (all 3 sets) AND backer goals (patch,lanyards,totebag,etc) are UNLOCKED!  Thanks to all of you amazing backers, as well as real life supporters, everything is now available.  This an amazing accomplishment for everyone! Thank you!!!!!!

That being said, we have some great news and opportunities for people who'd like to become a backer or upgrade their pledges. On May 24th we will have special Memorial Day pledges of the 10x Pin, 1, 2 and 3 set tiers.  These pledges will fall in between the early bird and normal pledge prices and feature the same rewards. They are of limited quantity thus will only last until they are gone. This will be the last pledge special deal for the campaign. So if you are wanting sets and all the goodies that come with them(remember: everything is unlocked!), this an awesome but limited opportunity. 


Only those who have already backed and stuck with us so far prior to this update and stick with us until the end of the campaign, will recieve a bonus Gashadokuro sticker (regardless of tier). The fabulous 3" Gashadokuro sticker is rocking a holographic feature and is eager to become part of your collection . Thank you so much for "sticking" in there! 

Last, but not least. The tote bag design is finished! Sporting a dark fire kitsune, this approximately 15"x15" bag can be yours by either pledging to 2x Set or 3x Set or by selecting it as an add on. A special thank you and shout out to one of our long time backers, SEREGIOS. They were chosen to pick the lucky yokai and its colors for this bag. Thank you so much! We appreciate all the support you have given us all these years <3 

~Your OhhSeeDee Team